IEFS CHINA2012年会征稿启事
(2012年6月2-3日,南开大学;中国, 天津)
国际经济和金融学会(中国)(International Economics and Finance Society China,即IEFS China,或IEFS中国)成立于2008年,其宗旨是支持国内国际经济学领域(包括皇冠登陆入口welcome和金融)的科学研究,促进国内外学者的学术交流,推进来自学术界、政界及实业界的经济学家们的密切合作。
1. 企业异质性和出口
2. 市场分割和广义外包
3. 外国直接投资和公司选择理论
4. 网络理论和皇冠登陆入口welcome协定
5. 贸易和增长
6. 特惠贸易协定
7. 资源、环境及皇冠登陆入口welcome
8. 国际资本流动和国际经济周期
9. 国际间研发与经济增长
10. 人民币汇率和贸易增长
11. 国际和国内金融市场的联系
12. 国际间经济政策协调
13. 地区共同货币和地区一体化
14. 地区经济一体化和转移
15. 贸易政策和产业政策的互相影响
16. 中国在世界经济中的角色
Charles Engles (Wisconsin), Robert Feenstra (UC Davis), David Greenaway (Nottingham), Peter Neary (Oxford); Daniel Bernhofen (Nottingham), Eric Bond (Vanderbilt), Kenneth Chan (CityU, HK), Georgios Chortareas (Athen, EEFS), Jai-Young Choi (Lamar), Kwan Choi (Iowa State), Mario Crucini (Vanderbilt), K.C. Fung (UCSC), Bharat Hazari (CityU HK), Musu Ignazio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy), Oleg Itskhoki (Princeton), Jang-Cheon Jin (CUHK), Jin Jang (CUHK), Jiandong Ju (Oklahoma), Kala Krishna (Penn State), Edwin Lai (HKUST), Michael Landesmann (Vienna), Keith Maskus (Colorado at Boulder), Larry Qiu (HKU), John Ries (UBC), Raymond Riezman (Iowa), Alan Woodland (UNSW), , Eden Yu (CityU HK), Zhihao Yu (Carleton), Lex Laixin Zhao (Kobe), Susan Zhu (Michigan State).
The Fourth IEFS China Annual Conference 2011 (Tianjin, China, June 2-3, 2012)
Organized by the Nankai University and IEFS China
IEFS China
Established in 2008, the International Economics and Finance Society China (IEFS China) aims at supporting research in international economics (including international trade and finance) by promoting the academic exchange among Chinese researchers and researchers across the world, so as to facilitate and enhance collaboration among economists from academies, governments, and industries. In last two years, we have organized two annual conferences in 2009 and 2010, where had Yin-Wong Cheung (UCSC), Fumio Dei (Kobe), Bill Ethier (Penn), Ron Jones (Rochester), Murray Kemp (UNSW), Hong Hwang (NTU), Sam Kortum (Chicago), Nelson Mark (Notre Dame), Sugata Marjit (Centre for Social Studies, India), Paul McNelis (Fordham), Pasquale Sgro (Deakin), Nicolas Schmitt (Simon Fraser), Makoto Yano (Keio), some distinguished scholars such as Eric Bond, Kala Krishna, Keith Maskus, Raymond Riezman, etc. who consistently involve our academic events, and other VIPs there, from North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Expected Invited Participants
Charles Engles (Wisconsin), Robert Feenstra (UC Davis), David Greenaway (Nottingham), Peter Neary (Oxford); Daniel Bernhofen (Nottingham), Eric Bond (Vanderbilt), Kenneth Chan (CityU, HK), Georgios Chortareas (Athen, EEFS), Jai-Young Choi (Lamar), Kwan Choi (Iowa State), Mario Crucini (Vanderbilt), K.C. Fung (UCSC), Bharat Hazari (CityU HK), Musu Ignazio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy), Oleg Itskhoki (Princeton), Jang-Cheon Jin (CUHK), Jin Jang (CUHK), Jiandong Ju (Oklahoma), Kala Krishna (Penn State), Edwin Lai (HKUST), Michael Landesmann (Vienna), Keith Maskus (Colorado at Boulder), Larry Qiu (HKU), John Ries (UBC), Raymond Riezman (Iowa), Alan Woodland (UNSW), , Eden Yu (CityU HK), Zhihao Yu (Carleton), Lex Laixin Zhao (Kobe), Susan Zhu (Michigan State).
(More distinguished scholars are expected to join the conference. An updated list will be made available on the official websites.)
Supporting SSCI Journals
Papers presented at the conference, subject to further refereeing, may be considered for publication in special issue/section in Review of Development Economics. More supporting SSCI journals will be available in the future, while we strongly encourage paper presenters to discuss and/or visit their journal websites. More information will be made available on the official websites.
Submission for Presentation
1. Submissions must be made between January 5, 2012 and April 6, 2012 through the
following website:
2. While we prefer papers in their entirety, we also welcome submissions of extended abstracts (up to 400 words).
3. Upon acceptance of their papers, authors must confirm their attendance by completing the registration on or before April 25, 2012.
4. Accepted papers in their entirety must be submitted on or before May 1, 2012.
5. All papers will be presented in English.
All conference participants, with the exception of keynote speakers and invited speakers, must register on or before April 25, 2012.
Registration fee
Participants from Overseas (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)
Participants from the mainland China (reduced rates are available)
Late registrations (after April 25, 2012)
US$180 /RMB¥1300
Official Websites
Our official websites is: For enquiries, please contact us at
Conference Coordinator
Prof. Xiaopeng Yin
Department Chair, Department of International Trade, University of International Business and Economics and, Secretary/Treasurer, International Economics and Finance Society China
Tel: (86-10) 6449-3689 Fax: (86-10) 6449-3042 Email:
Co-Chairs of Organizing Committee, IEFS, China
Prof. Jiadong Tong,
Senior Vice President
Nankai University
Tianjin, China
Prof. Eden Yu,
Associate Dean, College of Business
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China