一、课程名称:《Human Resource Management》(36学时)
The course is taught in 4 teaching hours x 9:
1. 2023年10月21日上午8:15—中午12:00.
2. 2023年10 月28日上午8:15—中午12:00.
3. 2023年10月29日上午8:15—中午12:00.
4. 2023年11月11日上午8:15—中午12:00.
5. 2023年11月12日上午8:15—中午12:00.
6. 2023年11月18日上午8:15—中午12:00.
7. 2023年11月19日上午8:15—中午12:00.
8. 2023年11月25日上午8:15—中午12:00.
9. 2023年11月26日上午8:15—中午12:00.
A total of nine sessions are taught in this postgraduate training course. Each session focuses on a specific thematic topic related to human resource management (HRM) in the contemporary business environment. Empirical examples are used to illustrate key theories and practices in HRM and the challenges facing organisations in managing their workforce. The teaching style is informal and interactive, students have opportunities to provide comments and apply their knowledge through group exercises. Examples are provided to illustrate opportunities and challenges for organisations operating in different ownership forms, industries and regions.
Learning objectives:
Critically introduce key concepts and theories in HRM functions;
Develop a deep understanding of the institutional, socio-cultural context and how these factors influence the management of organizations and human resources in particular countries, industries and types of organisations;
Develop HRM knowledge and competencies equipped to manage the workforce with diverse needs in the contemporary world and business environment.
Session 1. HRM and HR strategy: concepts and models
Themes: This session explores the concept and conceptual models of HRM. It outlines the advent of HRM as a new management concept in a business environment marked by considerable political, economic, technological and organizational change and heightened global competition. It contemplates typologies of business strategy and explores the relationships between business strategy and HR strategy. This session paves the way for our understanding of organisational behaviour and what HRM practices may be effective.
Sessions 2. Recruitment and selection
Themes: This session examines the role of recruitment and selection in strategic HRM. It discusses key issues in the main stages of recruitment and selection. It also discusses the role of AI and digital technology in recruitment and selection and implications for managers and employees.
Session 3. Human capital, training and development
Themes: This session contemplates the significance of human capital to organizational and national competitiveness. It analyses the role of training and development in HRM and how a firm’s training policy is influenced by various factors at national, industrial and organizational levels. Major characteristics in the national training system are critically reviewed.
Session 4 Reward strategy and motivational effects
Themes: This session explores different methods of financial reward and their effectiveness as part of the HR strategy. It analyses factors influencing the pay system and reviews how the pay system has evolved in China in the past few decades. It assesses the role of the state, the employer and workers in pay determination.
Session 5 Labour productivity and employee performance
Themes: This session explores factors influencing labour productivity at the macro level which may impact firm-level productivity. It also examines reasons for, and different approaches to, performance management. It highlights differences between the Western approach and the Chinese preferences. Implications for people management in multinational firms are discussed.
Session 6. Leadership and power
Themes: This session discusses the meanings of leadership and critically analyses perspectives on leadership and their underlying assumptions in the business context. The session also investigates the role of power and communication in organizational life.
Session 7. Managing employee health and wellbeing
Themes: This session focuses on managing employee health and wellbeing as an important HRM function and responsibility. It examines the role of employee assistance programs (EAPs) in improving employees’ wellbeing and resilience.
Session 8. Talent management systems and practices
Themes: This session introduces talent management approaches and characteristics of talent management systems in different national settings. It highlights talent shortage problems and implications for business innovation and people management.
Session 9. Group presentations and assessment
Each group needs to prepare a set of ppt slides and give a presentation of no more than 15 minutes.
Key readings:
Cooke, F. L., Saini, D. and Wang, J. (2014), ‘Talent management in China and India: A comparison of management perceptions and human resource practices’, Journal of World Business, 49:2, 225-235.
Cooke, F. L. and Xu, W. Q. (2023), ‘Extending the research frontiers of employee mental health through contextualisation: China as an example with implications for human resource management research and practice’, Personnel Review, https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-05-2023-0377.
Tarique, I. (ed.) (2022), The Routledge Companion to Talent Management, London: Routledge.
Vaiman, V., Schuler, R., Sparrow, P. and Collings, D. (eds.) (2019), Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets, London: Routledge.
Varma, A., Budhwar, P. S. & DeNisi, A. S. (eds.). 2nd ed. (2023), Performance Management Systems: A Global Perspective, (Routledge Global Human Resource Management Series), London: Routledge.
Wilkinson, A., Bacon, N., Snell, S. and Lepak, D. (eds.), Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management, London: Sage.
李应芳教授(英国曼彻斯特大学博士),现为莫纳什大学商学院杰出教授;澳大利亚社会科学院院士。曾任英国曼彻斯特大学商学院教授、澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学管理学院副院长。李应芳教授的研究兴趣包括亚洲人力资源管理与劳动关系、战略人力资源管理、知识管理和创新、外包、国际人力资源管理、性别研究、多元化和包容性管理、雇佣关系、移民研究、数字化和对就业和人力资源管理的影响; 气候变化、能源转型和工作的未来; 可持续发展目标和跨国公司的作用。现已出版个人专著3部,《HRM, Work and Employment in China》(Routledge, 2005)、《Competition, Strategy and Management in China》 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)以及《Human Resource Management in China: New Trends and Practices》(Routledge, 2012);发表学术论文150余篇以及学术书籍章节70余篇,多篇收录于顶级学术期刊《Journal of Management Studies》、《Human Resource Management》、《British Journal of Industrial Relations》、《Human Relations》、《Journal of World Business》、《Journal of Business Research》、《Human Resource Management Journal》以及《International Journal of Human Resource Management》等。李应芳教授在2011和2018年分别荣获莫纳什大学工商管理及经济学院的“院长卓越研究奖”和“负责任管理教育原则 (Principle of Responsible Management Education, PRME) 院长卓越研究奖”。李应芳教授现任《International Business Review》;《International Journal of Human Resource Management》;《Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources》的联合主编; 以及《Human Resource Management》;《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》and 《Asian Business and Management》; 等高级学术刊物的副主编。她曾是DAAD(德国学术交流计划)德国哥廷根大学访问教授(2016年)。