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    【 发布日期:2023-05-18 】



    目:Production, Trade, and Cross-Border Data Flows




    摘要:We build a two-country general equilibrium model to analyze the effects of cross-border data flows and pre-existing development gaps in data economies on each country's production and     international trade. Raw data as byproducts of consumption can be transformed into various types of working data (information) to be used by both domestic and foreign producers. Because data     constitute a new production factor for intermediate goods, a large pre-existing divide in the    developments of    domestic data economies can reduce or even freeze trade. Cross-border data  flow mitigates the    situation  and improves welfare when added to international trade.    Data-light countries where data are less important in production enjoy a ``late mover advantage''  with international trade and data flows, contributing more raw data from which the data-intensive  countries generate knowledge for  production. Furthermore, cross-border data flows can reverse the cyclicity of working data usage  after productivity shocks under small extant data divides; shocks to data privacy or flow costs   have opposite effects on domestic and international data sectors. The insights inform future    research and policy discussions concerning data divide and flow  and their implications for trade  liberalization, the data labor market, among others.

    主讲人简介:张龙天,皇冠登陆入口welcome皇冠登陆入口welcome助理教授。清华大学经济学博士、中国科学院大学管理学硕士、北京大学理学学士和经济学学士。研究领域为宏观经济学、经济增长、数字经济、皇冠登陆入口welcome理论等。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,论文发表于《Management Science》、《Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control》等国际权威期刊。

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